Great question for my first blog! College admissions coaching, or advising/consulting, is not a clearly defined profession. I prefer the term coaching to advising, mentoring, consulting, etc. I view my student relationship as collaborative and positive-we become a team. I am open to all thoughts and ideas about your future, and I will coach and advise you right to the finish line. 

A thorough and experienced college coach should bring to the table a combination of individual attention, established connections, and some unique talents and skills.

Individual Attention 

My hallmark as a coach is one-on-one attention. Through meetings, virtual and in-person, we will get to know each other and discuss where you are in the college application process. I meet every student where they are at, and I have found each student to be at a slightly different place. Many have had dreams about a certain school since they were little kids, others have no idea where to begin. I have assisted over 100 students fine tune of schools that incorporates safety, target and reach schools. I have contacts in admissions offices on many local campuses, and almost always have student contacts on campuses across the Northeast to help you get that personal feel at a school. 

As we begin working together, I perform many of the tasks listed in my Services and Fees. That list is by no means intended to be exhaustive. I charge an hourly rate I bill to the tenth of an hour. You only pay for work I do, that I will show on an itemized bill. Because I do not overcharge, students and parents feel free to text or call me as often as they need to during this high-pressure period!

Established Connections

I have practiced law in the Capital Region for 40 years, both in the private and public sectors. Over the years, I have developed a wide range of contacts in various industries. I use these contacts wherever and whenever I can to assist my students with internships, community service hours, extracurricular activities and even part time jobs. I also have connections with subject matter tutors, SAT coaches, videographers, and portfolio designers. 

Another great question people ask is whether I work with the high school guidance offices and guidance counselors.  The answer is no. I do not normally have contact with high school guidance offices about specific students although I do know many local counselors. From my perspective, my relationship with my student is confidential. I respect the workload of these great educators and, if I am behind the scenes helping a student achieve their goals, we are all winning. 

Personal Touches

I also bring a few valuable extras to the college application process. I am an experienced parent, and I have been through all of this myself. I enjoy the teenage years tremendously and I work hard to gain the trust of my students. I understand what a stressful time this is for everyone, and I am here to make it easier in any way I can. 

Many friends have told me they wish that I were coaching when their children was applying to college. I consider that to be a meaningful compliment and a sign that I am successfully reaching students and their families!

Let’s talk more about your needs! Feel free to contact me here


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